As ready as we are going to get

Saturday is the first race of the season at Concept Haulers.  Here is where all the winter’s work starts to pay off.  The LO206 Sportsman racing should be pretty exciting, since there are 5 or 6 racers expected and most of them are going to be very green.  Jason has driven his kart four times, twice with traffic (last October).  I have been talking to the experts about gearing and have a plan. The truck is packed and there is nothing left to do, but wait till Saturday and let’em race.  I am going to try to tweet updates, so follow us.

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Special thanks for Carole for making a face shield cozy to keep them safe when they are not in use, best grandma ever.  Atomic Decals for the numbers on the kart.  Brian at Viking Kart Products and Regan at 4 Cycle Central thanks for the work and advice.  To my really awesome totally cool wife who lets me teach my son how to have an adventure.

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