So Busy Racing…

KannanIt has been well over a month since our last update, we have been so busy racing this year it has been hard to keep up with everything we need to do.  Since the start of June we have race every weekend but two, and one of those weekends we were at Road America watching Indy Car racing.

Here are is the summary of results:
IMG_9198_cropJason is now in 2nd place in the Championship Enduro Series, 2nd place in 206 Sportsman and 1st in Animal in the 206 Cup , and 2nd place in the Mid-American Sprint series.
In sad news, the original Wild Duck Truck has retired from the team.  We started karting out of the back of that truck almost 5 years ago.  It served us well with the help of C&M Auto Service’s regular maintenance.  It will be missed.  We have a new(to us) truck from Jennings Chevrolet that should give us many years of service.

With only 2 more races to go the season is wrapping up fast and we are already making plans for 2017 when Jason will move up to the Jr class in LO206

Thanks to our 2016 Sponsors for their continuing support.
Bell HelmetsGoPro, Slick Products, Shorai, AmsoilEVS Sports, Stardust Memorials, The Greenwood Restaurant, C&M Auto Service, Atomic Decals, Danrr Autobody, T.J. Ross, Christian Lantry Photographer, Jennings Chevrolet, Worx Industrial Solutions

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